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Scheduler does not work with Internet Explorer

Only Anne, Mercy, Tamara & Elan Use Online Scheduling.

Please call to Schedule with Others.

Anne works M - F 8:00 am to 5:00 pm
She has regular clients that fill much of her schedule. Please expect that scheduling far in advance is required, and many time slots are never available as they are booked by clients that come weekly at the same time

Massage Therapist for Over 20 Years


Custom Massage Sessions

Therapies Utilized Include: Swedish, Deep Tissue, Neuromuscular, Trigger Point, and specific techniques from other various modalities


30 minute session - $55

45 minute session - $80

60 minute session - $95

90 minute session - $135

120 minute session - $160


Hot Stone Massage Sessions

Therapies Utilized Include: Swedish, Deep Tissue, Neuromuscular, Trigger Point, and specific techniques to other various modalities


30 minute session - $65

45 minute session - $90

60 minute session - $105

90 minute session - $145

120 minute session - $170


Packages Available


Anne Hilke Anstead

Licensed Massage and Bodywork Therapist (NC#2419)

   For as long as I can remember, I have enjoyed and gravitated toward working with others so they feel their best.


     I was clear at an early age that I would become a massage therapist. I graduated from The Southeastern School of Neuromuscular and Massage in 1998 when I was 18. In addition to obtaining my BA in Psychology and Sociology in 2001, I have completed continuing education for therapeutic massage including: Caring for Clients with Cancer, Cupping Massage, Ethics, Fundamental CranioSacral, Hot Stone Massage, Spa Treatments, Fundamentals of Prenatal Massage and Couples Massage Training.


     My clients range from those who have postural distortions and chronic pain to those who appreciate having the opportunity to pamper themselves. Independent of the reason for their visit (whether it be to get the knot out from behind their shoulder blade - or to have an hour when they don't have to worry about the stresses of their day-to-day life - or to have positive physical contact without the worry of being judged), every session . . . every client is important . . .


    Read more at Anne's website: including her philosophy, answers to Common Questions about massage and for clients that have never gotten a massage, a note to her clients, and more.

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